Friday, 13 May 2011

Lock Fighting in the East End!


Friday the 13th. Got up in bright sunshine after a quiet night apart fron some strange creature scrabbling and making a snorting noise on the water line in the early hours. As we were preparing to leave we met Francis, a film maker, who was interested in boats. We invited him to share a bit of our journey and after stowing his bike on the roof we set off for the Hertford Union Canal. Francis, who was great company, left us at the first lock and has emailed a nice photo he took of us. Great to meet you Francis.

We had the usual hard slog through the locks especially when we got on to the Grand Union Canal. The lock gates blow open when going upstream but we devised a method of holding them closed with the stern and a pole and quickly opening a top gate. The gates are heavy and it took two of us to open a few. There were very few boats out and about so no-one to share the load with.

This cormorant was sunning itself on the end of City Road lock. The Islington tunnel was an experience as our bow light failed less than half way through the 960 yards. I went to the front with a torch but Graham expertly steered us through - a thermal trip had blown so we can rectify.

Entering the Islington Tunnel

We headed for Camden for a late lunch. All the locks were against us and overlooked by the usual crowds of people. The bottom two were bad enough but the most overlooked top lock was broken on one side and was really hard going. We moored and had a well deserved Spanish take away.

The trip through Regents Park and Little Venice was lovely and we managed to get the last spot in the Paddington Basin, after a struggle against the wind whipping between the tall buildings.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

May 12th

Missing Ruby, who is still traumatised and sulking at home, we set off early in bright sunshine. Passed two boats from our home moorings, on their journey en route to Bristol. Our journey was pleasant and uneventful with only one rain shower, until Tottenham Lock. The mechanised lock was broken so we had to wind the gates open by hand. We are moored next to a rowing club which produced numerous fit rowers in very fast boats. It is amazing the wash they create so we had a very rocky couple of hours. Thaks to all you watchers, messages and emails - it is great to hear from you.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Ruby Abandoned Ship

Goose with babies near Carthagena Lock

After a lovely quiet night at Hunsdon, and Ruby did not snore, (shame the same can't be said of Graham) we got up to fairly flat batteries. Graham spent some time trouble shooting and decided we needed new batteries. Luis came to the rescue to pick Graham up and help and new batteries were installed at quite an expense! Ruby looked miserable all day, head on paws and reluctant to get back on board at each lock, only cheering up to scoff her dinner in 30 seconds as usual. Tam and Luis had a meal with us in the evening at Broxbourne and she was very glad to see them. We decided that she was missing the others and they her, so Tam took her home. Tam reported she was so happy to be back but the boat is very quiet without her.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

First day

Ruby's first lock!

Well we are finally off after a nasty insect bite(aquired in the garden) made my ankle swell. It seems strange to think we are at the start of such a long trip, if we can make it, and sad to be leaving Tam Luis, dogs,chucks and ducks. Mollie our old Lhasa Apso is 16 and very doddery. I hope she makes it through the summer!
It has been a glorious day to start off and we had half of the locks in our favour. Ruby was very disconcerted initially but we got her off at most of the locks and she seems to have got into the swing of things but is very tired. Getting her back on the boat was an issue as she hates being picked up and is quite a weight.
Graham saw a snake swimming in the Stort and we have stopped for the night just after Hunsdon Lock in a lovely sunny, quiet, spot. Lovely to see so many people following our progress- thanks.

Banjo at Hunsdon lock