Ruby's first lock!
Well we are finally off after a nasty insect bite(aquired in the garden) made my ankle swell. It seems strange to think we are at the start of such a long trip, if we can make it, and sad to be leaving Tam Luis, dogs,chucks and ducks. Mollie our old Lhasa Apso is 16 and very doddery. I hope she makes it through the summer!
It has been a glorious day to start off and we had half of the locks in our favour. Ruby was very disconcerted initially but we got her off at most of the locks and she seems to have got into the swing of things but is very tired. Getting her back on the boat was an issue as she hates being picked up and is quite a weight.
Graham saw a snake swimming in the Stort and we have stopped for the night just after Hunsdon Lock in a lovely sunny, quiet, spot. Lovely to see so many people following our progress- thanks.
Bon Voyage ! Keep blogging from everyone at CSS