Sunday, 21 August 2011


3 cute bulls
In spite of the proximity to the railway and Stanstead flight path, we enjoyed a quiet night. It was warm and bright this morning and we ate a hearty breakfast on the back deck, whilst chatting to several passing dog walkers. It was a bit sad though, since this is the last day of our trip and whilst it will be good to get home and see eneryone, we are really going to miss waking up in places like this. We set of and reached Feakes Lock after a short distance. Nearby were some young bulls, and just after the lock, these inquisitive beasts looked to be considering whether to take the plunge.

The winner of todays best balcony competition
Passing through Sawbridgeworth, it was har to believe that we had passed the other way over 3 months ago. The place looked much the same although the flowers around Lawrence Moorings were now in full bloom.

The last lock of the trip
 Sawbridgeworth lock
We soon reached the last lock of the trip and Angela with Dan's help, soon closed the gates for the last time and hung up the windlasses. It is only a short run from here back to Kecksy's Farm and our moorings, although we travelled about a mile further, to the nearest winding hole, before returning to the farm.
 Moored back alongside Sid's Alekefic
 We moored up in the usual place, against Sid's boat, which was being painted. When we left it was being painted, and 3 months later, Sid is still hard at it - you can't rush these things. We spent the next couple of hours clearing out the fridge, cupboards etc., and loading everything up into the car.

We have enjoyed the most amazing trip:
  We have travelled approximately 950 miles passing through 504 locks.
  We have met loads of lovely people, many of whom we have stayed in contact with.
  Angela has shared about 150 loaves of bread with thousands of water birds.
  We have seen countless places we have never visited before.
  We banged into lots of different things!
  We have bobbed like a cork on the Trent, the Ouse and the Thames.
  We have proved that we can spend over 100 days in a pencil case.
Thank you to all of our followers and other readers, and for all of the comments and messages you have sent us. A special thank you to Lorraine and Andy whose comments we have enjoyed immensely, and Bee who has been an avid follower. Hopefully we will embark on another trip next year, and if we do, we will inflict a new blog upon you.

Goodbye for now

Angela and Graham

1 comment:

  1. Ahoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy me hearties & a grand welcome home to you. I knew you would somehow adopt your name...but you left it till your last blog...quote " we enjoyed a hearty breakfast" unquote. But even though you are now home I still feel the need to can bulls be cute?? They look menacing to me! But, I suppose I will after all go along with the 'cute'.

    I notice you didn't reveal how much the bridge was worth...Sawbridgeworth...maybe clarify that one :)

    Well, we have both really enjoyed your blog & all the wonderful photographs so very much. In fact, after a trip to the docs this afternoon I've been diagnosed with blogitis & to help with withdrawal symptoms I have to take some anti blogotics.

    We will also miss the adventures of Hoodman, Baglady, Tesco's, Morrisons & Spar. We will miss the 'cute'of the day & the continuous use of the word 'alas'. :)

    We will miss Graham's yellow rubber gloves, Angela's Hyacinth Bucket hat, Graham's JR Ewing hat & his inside out shirt. We will miss the herb plant on top of Banjo.

    So without further ado until next time on Channel Blog we wish this blog Au revoir,Ciao,Auf Wiedersehen,Adios,Hasta la vista Banjo & sailors ( sob, sob)

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure!

    Love Lorraine & Andy xxxx

    och, och, och, och!

    Love Lorraine & Andy
