Monday, 11 July 2011

Yet another soaking

 Foulridge tunnel
With the weather forecast suggesting that it would be a bit wet this morning, we set off, heading for Foulridge tunnel. The forecast proved somethimg of an understatement and the heavens opened and stayed that way. The tunnel whilst being cold and damp was a welcome refuge from the rain!
 Out of the tunnel into the rain
We entered the tunnel and immediately say a light ahead, indicating that a boat was coming the other way. This is a traffic light controlled tunnel and we should not have to worry about boats coming the other way! So, we sounded our horn and headed into the 1600 yard tunnel! Sure enough, it appeared that the boat coming the other way started to reverse out and the distance between us remained constant. As we approached the far end, it became apparent that we were following a trip boat which somewhat confusingly had a white light showing on the stern!
 Pendle Hill from Barrowford Locks
We then set about the severn locks which make up the Barrowford flight. This would have been more fun if it were not for the constant heavy rain. We stopped at the top to empty the loo and then headed on down the 7 locks, which would start the long descent towards Wigan. We could see distant views of Pendle Hill shrouded in mist and as such, photos are a bit disappointing. We made it to the bottom of the flight, contending with leaking gates and new mechanisms on the locks on the way.
 Lomeshaye bridge
We pressed on, now soaking wet, through Nelson and Lomeshaye where Angela grew up. This was a nostalgic trip for Angela but it was hard to make out familiar landmarks from the canal which generally follows a course away from familiar sights.
Arriving at Reedley Marina
We had called ahead and booked a mooring at Reedley Marina and we arrived there mid afternoon just as the rain finally stopped. A really good facility with power, water and a launderette. Having completed the formalities and changed into some dry clothes, Uncle Bill and Sheila came to collect us and we headed over to Tracey and Chris' house in Barrowford for an indoor BBQ. As we write this, we are somewhat worse for wear after a lovely afternoon and evening with a lot of wine- many thanks Chris and Tracy for a great night! Tomorrow, we plan to visit Towneley Hall - a place with many childhood memories for Angela.

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