Waiting to be unleashed
Awaking at 05:45, we prepared for the trip up the Ouse on the flood tide. We were unaware that the tide this morning was a particularly high spring tide, and the lock keeper was keen to release us as soon as the tide turned. Today the incoming tide was preceeded by a tidal bore - a wave rushing up the river. As soon as this passed, the lock keeper opened the gates and we could see the water rushing in the opposite direction, complete with loads of debris. Early morning surfing
We eased Banjo forward into the current and the river picked us up and pushed us upstream. We accelerated and by the time we passed the first bridge, we were really flying along and about 3 times the usual pace. It was pretty exhilerating, steering around trees and logs, and feeling the effects of violent eddies on bends. The light this morning was beautiful, making for a truly memorable trip. After about 2.5 hours, the tide started to slow and by the time we reached Naburn Locks, we were back to the usual speed. Bishopethorpe Palace
We passed several fine properties and loads of fabulous moored boats as we made our way towards York. Entering York
The entry into York by river is lovely and it was great to have finally made it here after so much planning and expectation. We cruised up he river which is flanked by some beautiful old buildings and massive bridges, looking for somewhere suitable to moor up for the next couple of days. Moored in the centre of York
We found a spot close to the centre and spent ages trying to get Banjo into a position where she wasn't smashing against concrete outcrops as other boats passed. Eventually, we walked up and down the bank and found another spot which was just long enough to get into. Angela stood firmly by the space to claim it while I went back and moved the boat. We managed to get in only to find a drain outlet just beneathe the surface which was scraping the side of the boat. Fortunately an Australian couple turned up and kindly moved their boat along a few feet which meant we could just clear the drain and finally, we were secured.One of many party boats
We wandered around York in the afternoon so that Angela could establish where Monsoon was! We also had some excellent fish and chips and I had a truly excellent chocolate ice cream! We returned to the boad and watched various craft passing by including lots of rowing crews and an endless succession of large boats filled with party goers. A brilliant day.
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